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    As human beings, we are always trying to multi-task to get multiple things done in a shorter timeframe. Many people text and drive or try to hold a conversation while doing an assignment; I, however, try to watch television and do my homework. Splitting my attention between these two actions causes my attention and work to suffer. While trying to watch shows, such as The Walking Dead, and do my math homework, I end up missing half of the important plot line and only getting less than half of my math homework done. This causes me to stay up late in a milder anger for not paying attention to my show so I can get the assignment done in time. This was the case last night, as I tried to help my mother grade her students’ classwork and watch The Walking Dead. I have no clue what happened to certain characters in the show and I barely even made a dent in the stack of papers needing grades. As human beings, multitasking is a huge part of our lives that does not actually exist. We are not able to multitask, because we are not computers. Multitasking splits our concentration, focus, and performance level, and though we may try, we will never actually be able to successfully multitask.

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