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Reading Literacy Narrative

    As a child, my family read to me every night. I don’t remember everything they read to me, as the book was different depending on who was reading, but I do remember my favorite book as a child was Honey Bunny, Funny Bunny. I don’t have any children of my own, but I do read to the younger children I babysit. When I do have my own children one day, I plan on reading my favorite childhood book to them, along with any other book they would like me to read them.


    In my past reading experiences, I would tend to skim for answers instead of reading everything word-for-word. My past experience as a reader has been a difficult one. Now, it has not been difficult in the sense of understanding, but in the sense of finding books that weren’t too easy of a read. I have tried to read a vast variety of books, but I mostly read fantasy and science fiction novels now. Aside from books, I read short stories, fan fiction, and blogs in my free time. As far as audio books, go I know ways of acquiring them but I do not listen to them.


    I do feel like reading well was important to my success in middle and high school. Based on my experience in the past, I feel that reading will be just as big a part, if not bigger, of my success in college. While I haven’t been diagnosed with any reading difficulties or disorders such as dyslexia, I have been diagnosed with ADHD, which makes focusing on things for long periods of time exceptionally difficult at times, while other times it is difficult to pull my focus away from something.


    I have always had a passion for reading, since the day I was able to read Honey Bunny, Funny Bunny to my mom instead of her reading it to me. To this day, nothing has changed my love for books, though I don’t necessarily have the time for reading them anymore.

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